School Lunch
Hot lunch will be served four days a week in the 2023–2024 year on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays! Hot lunch is thirty minutes long, from 11:30 to noon. Wednesdays will be a cold lunch day sent from home. On Wednesdays, as you may know, the kitchen is used to prepare Senior Lunch, and this program has been a staple of the community for many years. We would like to see this continue, so we ask that you send a cold lunch from home on Wednesdays for your child(ren). As such, we will be eating outside every Wednesday (weather permitting) in September, October, and maybe into November.
Also starting in the month of November, on the first Wednesday of every month until the end of the school year, we will be eating lunch by lantern. Lantern Lunch was created quite by accident, when we experienced a power outage in April—lucky us! We enjoyed the experience so much that we are adding this fun twist to our lunch program!
Hot lunch is $3.25 per lunch, including milk. Those that qualify for free or reduced will be notified. If you are having difficulties paying for hot lunch, please let us know as we can help.
Please send a cold lunch from home on:
- Wednesdays
On cold lunch days, microwaves are available to heat up foods but not for cooking food. Milk is available with cold lunches for $.50, or you can send your own from home. Water or milk are the beverage choices for hot or cold lunch, so please do not send soda or juice. If you are having difficulties sending a cold lunch, please let us know as we can help.
The 2022–2023 hot lunch program has been supported by:
Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Zoar Lutheran Church in Tofte, the Cook County Co-op, Empty Bowls, and very generous donors. Thank you all very much. We appreciate your support!
Hot lunches are paid through the online Brightwheel system. Please contact us to get registered with the Brightwheel system.